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19 Feb
SLS Testing

Munich-Schäftlarnstraße project: results of the 6th well; start of drilling for the multilateral development research project

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At the end of January 2020, drilling work for the sixth well in the SWM project Munich-Schäftlarnstrasse was successfully completed. The final, from a total of six wells, aimed in a northwesterly direction, reached a final depth of exactly 4,443.00 m at a depth of approx. 2.7 km. The tests of the well showed that it, like the wells drilled previously, far exceeded the forecasts originally used for the profitability calculation in terms of productivity. Final completion work on the sixth well will take place in the following days.
The drilling rig will then be pushed back to the drilling starting point of the Th2. In this well, a multilateral branch is to be drilled in the Malm reservoir (Th2aM1) as part of the GeoMaRe research. This will allow the efficiency improvement expected from a multilateral development in the Malm to be quantified more precisely for the first time using a realised example. The selection of the well for the multilateral development was made in such a way that the six wells can be brought to an optimal hydraulic-energetic operating point in terms of the production and injection rates in continuous operation. 

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