With the Trebur GT1 well, a deep geothermal well was drilled for the first time in Hessen in 2016 for hydrothermal use.
ÜWGeo, a subsidiary of the local utility company Überlandwerk Groß-Gerau, implemented the pioneering project.
Previous deep boreholes in this region - mainly for hydrocarbon exploration - were drilled to a maximum depth of 2,000 - 3,000 m.
The Trebur site is located in the northern Upper Rhine Graben, one of the most important geothermal provinces in Germany. A location between the villages of Trebur and Nauheim was selected as the drilling location.
Project History
After several years of intensive project preparation and planning, during which a 3D seismic survey was also carried out, the drilling activities for the Trebur GT1 well were finally started in March 2016 with the drilling of a pilot hole up to 650 m long.
The aim of the exploration was the Palaeozoic Rotliegend Vulcanites, which were to be developed at a depth of almost 4,000 m around a fault zone. High saline waters with temperatures up to 185°C were expected.
After approx. 75 days, the Trebur GT1 well, planned with 5 sections, reached a final depth of approx. 3,750 m. Unfortunately, the productivity was not what was required. The well was partially backfilled and a sidetrack was drilled at an alternative target (fault system). After reaching the 2nd target depth of approx. 4,180 m, the required productivity could also not be demonstrated. The deep geothermal project was therefore subsequently stopped.
ERDWERK supported the project with the drilling planning of the deep wells, the preparation of the operating plan documents, the execution of the tender procedure and the subsequent construction management.
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